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If Entropy is always increasing then how do I stay alive given that the equilibrium state of a human is death?
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What is it that keeps a nucleus comprised of positive (and so repulsive) charges or indeed an electron (of negative charge stuff) bound together?
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Which is more fundamental the (conserved) qualities of charge and mass assigned to matter or the forces that determine their dynamical laws? 
Is the inertial mass of an object that describes the amount of stuff in it defined by all the mass of the universe? Is the m in F=ma inertial mass or gravitational mass- or both?
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If the Universe is 13.8 billion years old why is its   size greater than 40 billion light years?
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If Special Relativity applied to Maxwells equations tell us that there is a relativity of simulataneity (events that are simultaneous for one observer are not for someone moving with respect to them) then why is there one cosmological time? That is, would we agree with someone else on another galaxy that the universe is 13.8 billion years old?

© 2013 Physics Stuff Lee McCulloch-James

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