CPT symmetry violation
The combination CPT (Charge, Parity, Time) is thought to be an exact symmetry of all type of fundamental interactions. The combination, CP ( Charge-Parity) states that the laws of physics should be the same if a particle is both changed with its anti-particle (C-symmetry) and the observed spatial co-ordinates are inverted (as a mirror image) (Parity symmetry). That this subsymmetry is seen to be violated in Weak nuclear decay reactions indicates that such reaction violate the T symmetry (reversal of time) that brings about invariance under the overarching CPT symmetry. QCD of the strong insteraction of gluons also posseses a non-trivial vacuum structure admittign CP violation.
Time reversal asymmetry seems very much at odds with how we view the deterministic (unitary) evolution of the probablity amplitudes of the Schrodinger wave equation. It is only when we move from the microscopic to the statistical mechanics of the macroscopic of interacting particles do we expect systems to have an arrow of time evolution directed by the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Like us living systems at the macroscopic cellular level it appears weak Nuclear CP violating decay has a negative Entropy character?